Read Our Lips is a self-paced online course that teaches lipreading skills, an important part of overall speechreading. 

Learning to lip read can improve daily communication, especially in background noise, like at restaurants, social events and in large meetings.

How to Access Your Free Preview

Couple sitting on the couch; woman is holding her tablet and man is holding his cellphone

1. Create A New Account

To access your free preview of Read Our Lips, you must first create a new account by entering your name, email address, and password. 

You are not required to enter any payment information to access your free preview. 

Once you create a new account you will be signed in using your information. Remember your email and password as you will need it to sign in again.  

2. Go To "MY COURSE"

After signing in, you can access part of Lesson 1 for free by clicking "MY COURSE" at the top of the page. 

The menu bar on the Read Our lips website with "My Course" circled

3. Enter Your Free Preview

Next, click the "LIP READING LEVEL 1" box.

An image showing what the course dashboard page looks like

4. Enjoy Your Free Preview

You now have access to the first part of Read Our Lips lesson 1 for free. Instructions on how to complete and interact with the course will be provided at the beginning of the lesson. 

Still Have Questions?

If you are still wondering if Read Our Lips is for you, watch this short video of Alison, your Read Our Lips instructor!

If you have questions about the Read Our Lips course contact us by email ([email protected]).

You can also learn more by checking out the about and Frequently Asked Questions pages.

Benefits of Learning to Lipread

  • Improves communication

    Learning to lipread can help you "fill in the blanks" and understand words you don't hear. Understanding more speech will keep you connected to conversations.

  • Strengthens relationships

    When your communication improves, it can become easier to talk to and build relationships with others. You can even spend quality time with someone by completing the course with a friend!

  • Increases independence

    As you learn how to lipread you may feel more confident engaging in more conversations allowing you to do more things on your own.